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2024 Website Redesign - KondaSoft

2024 Website Redesign - KondaSoft

As you may already know, we design a new premium Shopify theme every month. For 2024, we have proudly delivered eleven amazing new themes, including one that is completely different from the usual line, Dawn Pro (based on the official Dawn theme from Shopify). We also have another tradition that we aim to keep once a year: redesigning the theme for the KondaSoft store.

Our primary vision for the store redesign was to switch from the Shopify-inspired green to a color that we feel inspired by and that is in line with our brand personality—thus, the new Indigo color scheme was born. This new color scheme allows us to diversify our products and services and to aim at other markets that we have experience with besides Shopify, like mobile and web applications.

Another important objective we have in mind is the new Pricing page, which is built around the idea of a “bundle builder,” a feature that many of you are already enjoying with our premium themes. Through the Pricing page, our customers can easily select one or more themes that they would like to purchase (preferably all through an amazing deal!). A discount is provided based on the number of themes selected.

A new feature that we are still developing—but that will probably be finished by the time you are reading this article is the  new “demo drawer.” This drawer can be opened by a fixed button that will be visible on each of our Shopify themes (probably on the left side) and will allow you to quickly switch between different demos. This is a very convenient way to find the perfect theme for your Shopify store since we know that viewing the demo is the most important part of choosing a theme.

We have also made many changes across the whole site, especially to the footer, which was completely redesigned using our “trademark” footer style, which many of our customers already love. On the homepage, we worked with different sections to make it as professional-looking as possible.

We believe this new website redesign opens us to a new world of opportunities, but most importantly, it allows us to serve our customers in an even better way.


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